Carbon Saver as CIBSE Building Services Engineers, Low Carbon Consultants and Energy Assessors were appointed by the clients Heatworks Ltd to undertake 3D thermal modelling of this Amazon distribution warehouse in Sheffield to meet the criteria for BREEAM Credit Ene 04 & Hea 04
IES VE Pro software was used to model the building.
The calculations and reports demonstrated the assessment of Low or zero carbon technologies and the use of passive design in the building, to obtain 3 credits under BREEAM Ene04 and thermal comfort conditions for an additional 3 credits under BREEAM Hea04.
SIX BREEAM credits were obtained in total by Carbon Saver UK for the project.
The same 3D model was used by Carbon Saver UK to show legal Compliance with Building Regulations Part L and the ND EPC (Non Domestic Energy Performance Certificate) .